MCAfans is committed to meeting the needs of content owners while helping them manage publication of their content online. It should be noted that MCAfans is a simple directory of lyrics, songs, and music videos.
All the lyrics available in MCAfans are taken from various sources mainly 99LRC, MasMusic4U, and contribution from users. MCAfans does not own or write any of the content, so all credits go to their rightful owners and contributors. You can contact MCAfans if errors or mistakes are found in any of the lyrics.
Songs and Music Videos
All the songs and music videos available in MCAfans are matched with available videos in Youtube. MCAfans does not host any songs or music videos on its servers or network as they are all hosted and streamed from Youtube servers.
Any videos shown on Youtube are the responsibility of Youtube and not MCAfans. We have no knowledge of whether the content shown on Youtube is or is not authorized by the content owner as that is a matter between Youtube and the content owner. MCAfans is not responsible for the content of Youtube as it is beyond our control.
If you are a copyright owner, or are authorized to act on behalf of an owner of the copyright or of any exclusive right under the copyright, you can contact MCAfans to remove the link. You must understand that by having a link removed from MCAfans does not mean that the actual source video has been removed from Youtube. You must contact Youtube to request removal.