Frequently Asked Questions

What is MCAfans?
MCAfans is the abbreviation for Malaysian Chinese Albums fans. Therefore, MCAfans is the place for anyone who supports Malaysian Chinese Singers. In MCAfans, you are able to check for the latest albums updates, lyrics, songs, and music videos of all Malaysian Chinese Singers.

What is the objective of MCAfans?
The main objective of MCAfans is to promote Malaysian Chinese Singers (albums, lyrics, songs, music videos, etc.) to the international level through various available internet resources.

Does MCAfans has affiliation with any music/recording companies?
No, MCAfans is an independent site and not related to any music/recording companies. Thus, MCAfans is the right place to promote all Malaysian Chinese Singers (and their albums) fairly and without taking sides. In MCAfans, all singers are equally important.
However, MCAfans do have its own network sites like MCAfans Lyrics Blog, MCAfans Facebook, MCAfans Friendster, MCAfans Twitter, etc. to help with its objective.

Why do MCAfans and its network sites are mostly written in English?
MCAfans sets to use English in order to go along with its objective, which is to promote Malaysian Chinese Singers to the international level.
However, MCAfans did have a future plan to do in both English and Chinese languages.

Why I couldn't find information about certain singers/bands in MCAfans?
At this moment, MCAfans only include information (albums, lyrics, songs, videos, etc.) for individual or solo Malaysian Chinese Singers who have their own Chinese albums (from the year 2007 onwards), and singing Pop or Trendy music, not the Classical, Oldies, or Kiddies genres.
However, in the Singers Related Links section, we included all singers with album from the year 2005 onwards.
If you confirm that the singer you are searching for is in the category above but not listed, please contact us to submit the information through our Contact page.

Can I contribute content to MCAfans? How?
Yes, you are welcome to contribute any contents (Hanzi Lyrics, Pinyin Lyrics, Songs, Videos, Singers Related Links, etc.) through our Contact page.
Before submitting, please do a quick search here (Hanzi Lyrics / Pinyin Lyrics / Song / Video / Singers Related Links) so that what you submitted is not something which is already available.
Here is how to contribute content:
1) To contribute lyrics (Hanzi or Pinyin), please copy and paste the whole lyrics to us.
2) To contribute songs or videos, just submit the Youtube links to us.
3) To submit additional links to Singers Related Links section, please post a comment containing the additional links under the specific singer's link post.
3) To contribute other contents, do write to us and we will review it appropriately.

Can I request for content to be posted in MCAfans? How?
Yes, you are welcome to request for unlisted albums, lyrics (Hanzi or Pinyin), etc.
Before requesting, please do a quick search here (Album / Hanzi Lyrics / Pinyin Lyrics) so that what you requested is not something which is already available.
Here is how to request for content:
1) To request for an unlisted album, you need to contact us through our Contact page and submit the details of the album to us.
2) To request for lyrics (Hanzi or Pinyin), you need to post a comment under that album post.
3) If there is a Hanzi Lyrics of a song but no Pinyin Lyrics of it, you can request for translation by posting a comment under that Hanzi lyrics post.
4) To request for other contents, do write to us through our Contact page and we will review it appropriately.

I don't like the advertisements in MCAfans. Can you remove them totally?
Sorry, we are unable to do so. We are paying more than RM500 per month for our web hosting, domain name, premium web services, and some other costs for researching and support. Thus, we need some financial support from sponsors or advertisers.

How/Where to download songs?
Sorry, MCAfans does not provide download links in any form or ways.

What if my question is not answered here?
If you have further questions, please contact us through our Contact page.

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